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Extreme genomic erosion after recurrent demographic bottlenecks in the highly endangered Iberian lynx. Federico Abascal, André Corvelo, Fernando Cruz, José L. Villanueva-Cañas, Anna Vlasova, Marina Marcet-Houben, Begoña Martínez-Cruz, Jade Yu Cheng, Pablo Prieto, Víctor Quesada, Javier Quilez, Gang Li, Francisca García, Miriam Rubio-Camarillo, Leonor Frias, Paolo Ribeca, Salvador Capella-Gutiérrez, José M. Rodríguez, Francisco Câmara, Ernesto Lowy, Luca Cozzuto, Ionas Erb, Michael L. Tress, Jose L. Rodriguez-Ales, Jorge Ruiz-Orera, Ferran Reverter, Mireia Casas-Marce, Laura Soriano, Javier R. Arango, Sophia Derdak, Beatriz Galán, Julie Blanc, Marta Gut, Belen Lorente-Galdos, Marta Andrés-Nieto, Carlos López-Otín, Alfonso Valencia, Ivo Gut, José L. García, Roderic Guigó, William J. Murphy, Aurora Ruiz-Herrera, Tomas Marques-Bonet, Guglielmo Roma, Cedric Notredame, Thomas Mailund, M. Mar Albà, Toni Gabaldón, Tyler Alioto, José A. Godoy. December 2016. Genome Biology. 10.1186/s13059-016-1090-1. [ Link ]
The Iberian lynx genome is a collaborative effort of six research centers in Spain. It is part of the Project Zero program FGCSIC 2010 in Endangered Species and was funded by Banco Santander and Fundación General CSIC. The BioCore was involved in generation of a first annotated draft of the genome.
Whole genome sequencing of turbot (Scophthalmus maximus; Pleuronectiformes): a fish adapted to demersal life. Antonio Figueras, Diego Robledo, André Corvelo, Miguel Hermida, Patricia Pereiro, Juan A. Rubiolo, Jèssica Gómez-Garrido, Laia Carreté, Xabier Bello, Marta Gut, Ivo Glynne Gut, Marina Marcet-Houben, Gabriel Forn-Cuní, Beatriz Galán, José Luis García, José Luis Abal-Fabeiro, Belen G. Pardo, Xoana Taboada, Carlos Fernández, Anna Vlasova, Antonio Hermoso-Pulido, Roderic Guigó, José Antonio Álvarez-Dios, Antonio Gómez-Tato, Ana Viñas, Xulio Maside, Toni Gabaldón, Beatriz Novoa, Carmen Bouza, Tyler Alioto, Paulino Martínez. June 2016. DNA research: an international journal for rapid publication of reports on genes and genomes. 10.1093/dnares/dsw007. [ Link ]
PHF13 is a molecular reader and transcriptional co-regulator of H3K4me2/3. Ho-Ryun Chung, Chao Xu, Alisa Fuchs, Andreas Mund, Martin Lange, Hannah Staege, Tobias Schubert, Chuanbing Bian, Ilona Dunkel, Anton Eberharter, Catherine Regnard, Henrike Klinker, David Meierhofer, Luca Cozzuto, Andreas Winterpacht, Luciano Di Croce, Jinrong Min, Hans Will, Sarah Kinkley. 25 May 2016. eLife. 10.7554/eLife.10607. [ Link ]
Genome and transcriptome analysis of the Mesoamerican common bean and the role of gene duplications in establishing tissue and temporal specialization of genes. Anna Vlasova, Salvador Capella-Gutiérrez, Martha Rendón-Anaya, Miguel Hernández-Oñate, André E. Minoche, Ionas Erb, Francisco Câmara, Pablo Prieto-Barja, André Corvelo, Walter Sanseverino, Gastón Westergaard, Juliane C. Dohm, Georgios J. Pappas, Soledad Saburido-Alvarez, Darek Kedra, Irene Gonzalez, Luca Cozzuto, Jessica Gómez-Garrido, María A. Aguilar-Morón, Nuria Andreu, O. Mario Aguilar, Jordi Garcia-Mas, Maik Zehnsdorf, Martín P. Vázquez, Alfonso Delgado-Salinas, Luis Delaye, Ernesto Lowy, Alejandro Mentaberry, Rosana P. Vianello-Brondani, José Luís García, Tyler Alioto, Federico Sánchez, Heinz Himmelbauer, Marta Santalla, Cedric Notredame, Toni Gabaldón, Alfredo Herrera-Estrella, Roderic Guigó. 25 February 2016. Genome Biology. 10.1186/s13059-016-0883-6. [ Link ]
The BioCore collaborated with an international consortium to decode the genome of the Mesoamerican common bean Phaseolus vulgarism. The core contributed to the project by identifying small ncRNAs and annotating genes predicted from the genome sequences.
Integration of multi-omics data of a genome-reduced bacterium: Prevalence of post-transcriptional regulation and its correlation with protein abundances. Wei-Hua Chen, Vera van Noort, Maria Lluch-Senar, Marco L. Hennrich, Judith A. H. Wodke, Eva Yus, Andreu Alibés, Guglielmo Roma, Daniel R. Mende, Christina Pesavento, Athanasios Typas, Anne-Claude Gavin, Luis Serrano, Peer Bork. 18 February 2016. Nucleic Acids Research. 10.1093/nar/gkw004. [ Link ]
GREENC: a Wiki-based database of plant lncRNAs. Andreu Paytuví Gallart, Antonio Hermoso Pulido, Irantzu Anzar Martínez de Lagrán, Walter Sanseverino, Riccardo Aiese Cigliano. 4 January 2016. Nucleic Acids Research. 10.1093/nar/gkv1215. [ Link ]
Prp4 Kinase Grants the License to Splice: Control of Weak Splice Sites during Spliceosome Activation. Daniela Eckert, Nicole Andrée, Aleh Razanau, Susanne Zock-Emmenthal, Martin Lützelberger, Susann Plath, Henning Schmidt, Angel Guerra-Moreno, Luca Cozzuto, José Ayté, Norbert F. Käufer. January 2016. PLoS genetics. 10.1371/journal.pgen.1005768. [ Link ]


Molecular signatures of plastic phenotypes in two eusocial insect species with simple societies. Solenn Patalano, Anna Vlasova, Chris Wyatt, Philip Ewels, Francisco Camara, Pedro G. Ferreira, Claire L. Asher, Tomasz P. Jurkowski, Anne Segonds-Pichon, Martin Bachman, Irene González-Navarrete, André E. Minoche, Felix Krueger, Ernesto Lowy, Marina Marcet-Houben, Jose Luis Rodriguez-Ales, Fabio S. Nascimento, Shankar Balasubramanian, Toni Gabaldon, James E. Tarver, Simon Andrews, Heinz Himmelbauer, William O. H. Hughes, Roderic Guigó, Wolf Reik, Seirian Sumner. 10 November 2015. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 10.1073/pnas.1515937112. [ Link ]
MyMpn: a database for the systems biology model organism Mycoplasma pneumoniae. Judith A. H. Wodke, Andreu Alibés, Luca Cozzuto, Antonio Hermoso, Eva Yus, Maria Lluch-Senar, Luis Serrano, Guglielmo Roma. January 2015. Nucleic Acids Research. 10.1093/nar/gku1105. [ Link ]
The BioCore developed MyMpn database to host and analyze omics-data generated by the Design of Biological Systems Group (CRG) and collaborators at the EMBL and other institutions.
SuperFly: a comparative database for quantified spatio-temporal gene expression patterns in early dipteran embryos. Damjan Cicin-Sain, Antonio Hermoso Pulido, Anton Crombach, Karl R. Wotton, Eva Jiménez-Guri, Jean-François Taly, Guglielmo Roma, Johannes Jaeger. January 2015. Nucleic Acids Research. 10.1093/nar/gku1142. [ Link ]
SuperFly is a database for the comparative analysis of spatio-temporal gene expression patterns and regulation in dipteran species (flies, midges, and mosquitoes). It currently hosts data on the vinegar fly Drosophila melanogaster, the scuttle fly Megaselia abdita, and the moth midge Clogmia albipunctata. The BioCore designed and developed the database and the website to collect and visualize data.
Comparative "-omics" in Mycoplasma pneumoniae Clinical Isolates Reveals Key Virulence Factors. Maria Lluch-Senar, Luca Cozzuto, Jaime Cano, Javier Delgado, Verónica Llórens-Rico, Sabine Pereyre, Cécile Bebear, Luis Serrano. 2015. PloS One. 10.1371/journal.pone.0137354. [ Link ]


Zrf1 is required to establish and maintain neural progenitor identity. Luigi Aloia, Bruno Di Stefano, Alessandro Sessa, Lluis Morey, Alexandra Santanach, Arantxa Gutierrez, Luca Cozzuto, Salvador Aznar Benitah, Thomas Graf, Vania Broccoli, Luciano Di Croce. 15 January 2014. Genes & Development. 10.1101/gad.228510.113. [ Link ]


DPY30 regulates pathways in cellular senescence through ID protein expression. Elisabeth Simboeck, Arantxa Gutierrez, Luca Cozzuto, Malte Beringer, Livia Caizzi, William M. Keyes, Luciano Di Croce. 14 August 2013. The EMBO journal. 10.1038/emboj.2013.159. [ Link ]
Comparative transcriptomics of early dipteran development. Eva Jiménez-Guri, Jaime Huerta-Cepas, Luca Cozzuto, Karl R. Wotton, Hui Kang, Heinz Himmelbauer, Guglielmo Roma, Toni Gabaldón, Johannes Jaeger. 24 February 2013. BMC genomics. 10.1186/1471-2164-14-123. [ Link ]
The BioCore collaborated with the group of Dr. Yogi Jaeger (CRG) to publish the de novo transcriptomes of three non-drosophilid diptera, Clogmia albipunctata, Megaselia abdita, and Episyrphus balteatus.
RYBP and Cbx7 define specific biological functions of polycomb complexes in mouse embryonic stem cells. Lluis Morey, Luigi Aloia, Luca Cozzuto, Salvador Aznar Benitah, Luciano Di Croce. 31 January 2013. Cell Reports. 10.1016/j.celrep.2012.11.026. [ Link ]
PRGdb 2.0: towards a community-based database model for the analysis of R-genes in plants. Walter Sanseverino, Antonio Hermoso, Raffaella D'Alessandro, Anna Vlasova, Giuseppe Andolfo, Luigi Frusciante, Ernesto Lowy, Guglielmo Roma, Maria Raffaella Ercolano. January 2013. Nucleic Acids Research. 10.1093/nar/gks1183. [ Link ]
The Plant Resistance Genes database, PRGdb, is a comprehensive resource on pathogen resistance genes (R-genes) in plants. Initiated in 2009, it currently provides data on 112 known and 104,310 putative R-genes in 233 plant species and conferring resistance to 122 pathogens. The BioCore re-designed the database website using the Semantic MediaWiki technologies.


Age-associated inflammation inhibits epidermal stem cell function. Jason Doles, Mekayla Storer, Luca Cozzuto, Guglielmo Roma, William M. Keyes. 1 October 2012. Genes & Development. 10.1101/gad.192294.112. [ Link ]
The genome of melon (Cucumis melo L.). Jordi Garcia-Mas, Andrej Benjak, Walter Sanseverino, Michael Bourgeois, Gisela Mir, Víctor M. González, Elizabeth Hénaff, Francisco Câmara, Luca Cozzuto, Ernesto Lowy, Tyler Alioto, Salvador Capella-Gutiérrez, Jose Blanca, Joaquín Cañizares, Pello Ziarsolo, Daniel Gonzalez-Ibeas, Luis Rodríguez-Moreno, Marcus Droege, Lei Du, Miguel Alvarez-Tejado, Belen Lorente-Galdos, Marta Melé, Luming Yang, Yiqun Weng, Arcadi Navarro, Tomas Marques-Bonet, Miguel A. Aranda, Fernando Nuez, Belén Picó, Toni Gabaldón, Guglielmo Roma, Roderic Guigó, Josep M. Casacuberta, Pere Arús, Pere Puigdomènech. 17 July 2012. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 10.1073/pnas.1205415109. [ Link ]
To decipher the melon genome, the governmental foundation Genoma España funded the project MELONOMICS, to which the BioCore contributed by predicting small non-coding RNAs and pathogen resistant genes.
Nonoverlapping functions of the Polycomb group Cbx family of proteins in embryonic stem cells. Lluis Morey, Gloria Pascual, Luca Cozzuto, Guglielmo Roma, Anton Wutz, Salvador Aznar Benitah, Luciano Di Croce. 6 January 2012. Cell Stem Cell. 10.1016/j.stem.2011.12.006. [ Link ]
Widespread generation of alternative UTRs contributes to sex-specific RNA binding by UNR. Marija Mihailovic, Marija Mihailovich, Laurence Wurth, Federico Zambelli, Irina Abaza, Cristina Militti, Francesco M. Mancuso, Guglielmo Roma, Giulio Pavesi, Fátima Gebauer. January 2012. RNA (New York, N.Y.). 10.1261/rna.029603.111. [ Link ]


HumMeth27QCReport: an R package for quality control and primary analysis of Illumina Infinium methylation data. Francesco M. Mancuso, Magda Montfort, Anna Carreras, Andreu Alibés, Guglielmo Roma. 19 December 2011. BMC research notes. 10.1186/1756-0500-4-546. [ Link ]
E-box-independent regulation of transcription and differentiation by MYC. Iris Uribesalgo, Marcus Buschbeck, Arantxa Gutiérrez, Sophia Teichmann, Santiago Demajo, Bernd Kuebler, Josep F. Nomdedéu, Juan Martín-Caballero, Guglielmo Roma, Salvador Aznar Benitah, Luciano Di Croce. 23 October 2011. Nature Cell Biology. 10.1038/ncb2355. [ Link ]
Regulation of human epidermal stem cell proliferation and senescence requires polycomb- dependent and -independent functions of Cbx4. Nuno Miguel Luis, Lluis Morey, Stefania Mejetta, Gloria Pascual, Peggy Janich, Bernd Kuebler, Luca Cozutto, Guglielmo Roma, Elisabete Nascimento, Michaela Frye, Luciano Di Croce, Salvador Aznar Benitah. 2 September 2011. Cell Stem Cell. 10.1016/j.stem.2011.07.013. [ Link ]
TEQC: an R package for quality control in target capture experiments. Manuela Hummel, Sarah Bonnin, Ernesto Lowy, Guglielmo Roma. 1 May 2011. Bioinformatics (Oxford, England). 10.1093/bioinformatics/btr122. [ Link ]


Lack of sik1 in mouse embryonic stem cells impairs cardiomyogenesis by down-regulating the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p57kip2. Antonio Romito, Enza Lonardo, Guglielmo Roma, Gabriella Minchiotti, Andrea Ballabio, Gilda Cobellis. 3 February 2010. PloS One. 10.1371/journal.pone.0009029. [ Link ]
PRGdb: a bioinformatics platform for plant resistance gene analysis. Walter Sanseverino, Guglielmo Roma, Marco De Simone, Luigi Faino, Sara Melito, Elia Stupka, Luigi Frusciante, Maria Raffaella Ercolano. January 2010. Nucleic Acids Research. 10.1093/nar/gkp978. [ Link ]

Bioinformatics Core Facility @ CRG — 2011-2024