CRG PhD Course 2017 Introduction to Statistics in R

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Revision as of 16:02, 2 October 2017 by Jponomarenko (Talk | contribs)

Course Description

This introductory course to statistics and R is offered in 3 two-hour consecutive modules (please see Course Syllabus below), each consisting of a hands-on practicum in a computer class, using R Studio.

Course Objectives

To introduce or to refresh the basic concepts of statistics and how they can be applied to real-life datasets using R. The students will produce their first scripts that can be re-used when they start analyzing their own data. Knowledge of statistics or R is not required for taking this course. However, familiarity with the material in the previous modules is recommended if the modules are not taken in a sequence.

Course Instructors

  • Sarah Bonnin (Module I, II)
  • Julia Ponomarenko (organizer, Module II, III)

Time and Location

  • Oct 3, 4, 5, 2017. 11:00 - 13:00. PRBB Building. Boinformatics classroom. 468. 4th floor. The hotel wing.

Course Syllabus, Schedule, and Materials

MODULE I. Introduction to R. Oct 3, 2017.

  • Introduction to R:
    • What is R?
    • Why to use R?
  • R studio:
    • Local installation
    • Understand and explore panels
  • Basics of R language:
    • Simple arithmetic in R console
    • Syntax
    • Objects
  • Functions in R:
    • Use functions
    • Get help
    • Arguments in functions
  • Data types and data structures in R
    • Types: numeric, character, logical.
    • Structures: vectors, data frames, matrices.
  • Slides for Module I: Open the pdf file.

MODULE II. Descriptive Statistics & Plots in R. Oct 4, 2017.

  • Packages in R: find, install, load, explore/find functions and documentation, get help on functions.
  • Basic plots in R: bar-plots, histograms, box-plots, scatter-plots.
  • Exploratory data analysis and descriptive statistical functions: summary, mean, sd, min, max, quantile.
  • Slides for Module II, Part 1:
  • Slides for Module II, Part 2: Download the zipped html-file for the practicum.

MODULE III. Introduction to Statistical Inference. Oct 5, 2017.

  • The concept of hypothesis testing, type I and type II error, false discovery rate.
  • Significance and confidence level, p-value. Confidence intervals. One-sided and two-sided tests.
  • One-sample and two-sample tests for independent and matched samples with known and unknown variance.
  • Student t-distribution, assumption of normality.
  • Test for proportions.
  • Non-parametric tests: Sign test, Wilcoxon sum of ranks test (Mann-Whitney U-test), Wilcoxon signed rank test, Kruskal-Wallis test.
  • Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS) test. Shapiro test for normality. QQ-plot.
  • Data transformation.
  • Download the zip-file of the module's materials.

External Resources

Bioinformatics Core Facility @ CRG — 2011-2024