Standard Bioinformatics Services Cost

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Revision as of 12:27, 14 February 2023 by Jponomarenko (Talk | contribs)

The prices provided below are for guidance only. They are estimated considering human/mouse data and the CRG officially established cost of the manual work and computing hours, effective as of January 1, 2018. VAT is not included. (+ denotes the minimum price)

  • mRNA-seq: Data pre-processing (strand control, ribosome contamination and quality filtering, adapter trimming,

read pairing, QC), read mapping to a reference genome, differential expression analysis at gene level, profiles for Genome Browser price for a project of up to 12 samples

    • € 344+ (CRG / PRBB)
    • € 591+ (NON-PROFIT / GOVERNMENT)

price for each additional sample

    • € 10+ (CRG / PRBB)

  • small RNA-seq (microRNA, tRNA): Data pre-processing (quality filtering, adapter trimming, size distribution, QC), read mapping to a reference genome, differential expression analysis

price for a project of up to 12 samples

    • € 326+ (CRG / PRBB)
    • € 559+ (NON-PROFIT / GOVERNMENT)

price for each additional sample

    • € 9+ (CRG / PRBB)

  • ChIP-seq / ATAC-seq: Data pre-processing, read mapping, peak calling, profiles for Genome Browser, differential enrichment analysis

price for a project of up to 12 samples

    • € 334+ (CRG / PRBB)
    • € 573+ (NON-PROFIT / GOVERNMENT)

each addition sample

    • € 10+ (CRG / PRBB)

  • 16S rRNA / ITS sequencing: Data pre-processing (read quality control, filtering, trimming, assembling), OTU assignment, taxa abundances profiles (price per plate of up to 96 samples)
    • € 448+ (CRG / PRBB)
    • € 769+ (NON-PROFIT / GOVERNMENT)

price per each additional plate

    • € 187+ (CRG / PRBB)
    • € 321+ (NON-PROFIT / GOVERNMENT)

Bioinformatics Core Facility @ CRG — 2011-2024