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Title | Extreme genomic erosion after recurrent demographic bottlenecks in the highly endangered Iberian lynx
Authors | Federico Abascal, André Corvelo, Fernando Cruz, José L. Villanueva-Cañas, Anna Vlasova, Marina Marcet-Houben, Begoña Martínez-Cruz, Jade Yu Cheng, Pablo Prieto, Víctor Quesada, Javier Quilez, Gang Li, Francisca García, Miriam Rubio-Camarillo, Leonor Frias, Paolo Ribeca, Salvador Capella-Gutiérrez, José M. Rodríguez, Francisco Câmara, Ernesto Lowy, Luca Cozzuto, Ionas Erb, Michael L. Tress, Jose L. Rodriguez-Ales, Jorge Ruiz-Orera, Ferran Reverter, Mireia Casas-Marce, Laura Soriano, Javier R. Arango, Sophia Derdak, Beatriz Galán, Julie Blanc, Marta Gut, Belen Lorente-Galdos, Marta Andrés-Nieto, Carlos López-Otín, Alfonso Valencia, Ivo Gut, José L. García, Roderic Guigó, William J. Murphy, Aurora Ruiz-Herrera, Tomas Marques-Bonet, Guglielmo Roma, Cedric Notredame, Thomas Mailund, M. Mar Albà, Toni Gabaldón, Tyler Alioto, José A. Godoy |
Date | 2016-12-14
Publisher | Genome Biology |
DOI | 10.1186/s13059-016-1090-1 |
Tag | Conservation genomics, Genetic diversity, Inbreeding, Genetic drift, Lynx |
Genomic studies of endangered species provide insights into their evolution and demographic history, reveal patterns of genomic erosion that might limit their viability, and offer tools for their effective conservation. The Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus) is the most endangered felid and a unique example of a species on the brink of extinction.
Genomic studies of endangered species provide insights into their evolution and demographic history, reveal patterns of genomic erosion that might limit their viability, and offer tools for their effective conservation. The Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus) is the most endangered felid and a unique example of a species on the brink of extinction.