Francesco Manttia Mancuso

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Francesco Manttia Mancuso


Francesco Mattia Mancuso

In 2003 I obtained the Bachelor of Science in Molecular Biotechnology and in 2006 the Master in Bioinformatics both at the University of Milano-Bicocca. During my first thesis project I dealt with microarray data analysis, using bioinformatics tool, in particular for cluster analysis. In the second thesis project I dealt with planning and creation of a database in which it is possible to interrogate lists of genes, published in literature, that they introduce levels of expression altered in particular conditions. For less than two years (April 2006 - 31 December 2007) I worked at Primm, a biotech company, as bioinformatics and informatics technician. Here I was involved in database management, lab automation and developing of bioinformatics and management tools. From January 2008 to December 2009, I worked at the IFOM-IEO Campus in Milan as bioinformatician in sharing with two groups: the Cogentech Mass Spectrometry Unit and the "Proteomics and functional genomics for the analysis of the different level of gene expression regulation" group. In both groups my principal aim is the analysis of quantitative proteomics data (respectively iTraq and SILAC), developing also tools and scripts in Perl and R.

My work at the Bioinformatics Unit:

  • qualitative, quantitative and statistical analysis of transcriptomics and proteomics data
  • development of pipelines in R for data analysis
  • downstream analyses
  • development of wiki lab service LIMS

You may contact me at +34 933160202 or by e-mail at the address

Bioinformatics Core Facility @ CRG — 2011-2024