Terms and Conditions

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This Terms specify conditions of the agreement (Contract) between the CRG Core facility(ies) (CRG) and the user(s) of the facilities (User) and to perform a specific service(s) (Request). By agreeing with the quotation issued by CRG, User enters into Contract with CRG and agrees with this Terms.

SAMPLES/DATA AND RESULTS HANDLING: User shall deliver to CRG the samples or data at own expense. User retains ownership of the samples. By handling samples to CRG User pledges that samples were obtained following to the standards of the User’s Bioethics Committee(s). User is responsible for the quality of the samples/data delivered. CRG commits to keep samples, data and results with diligence and according to internal security and sample/data handling protocols. CRG commits to not distribute User samples and their derived information to the third party without the consent of User. Before proceeding with Request, CRG commits to communicate to User about the adequacy of samples/data to the required technical specifications of the service. User’s data and results are stored at CRG for six months after completion of Request. After six months, all data are automatically deleted. User is responsible for transferring/downloading data.

LIABILITY: Results, reports or opinions made by CRG are based on samples, data or information provided by User. CRG is not liable for use or destination of the obtained results. CRG commits to use the appropriate means for the provision of services according to professional practice that in no way constitutes an obligation of results. CRG is not liable for delays or other contingencies or failures caused by unforeseen circumstances beyond its control or force majeure.

PRICE AND PAYMENT: Services provided will be invoiced according to the quotation accepted by the User. The price included in the quotation/invoice is calculated according to the price list published at the website www.crg.eu. Corresponding VAT is applied to the established prices. The quotation assumes that samples or data are adequate enough to perform Request and that all procedure(s) steps will be successful at the first attempt. The invoice is based on actual expenses and work carried on to complete performance of Request. Any additional requirement or any request of change in protocols or technologies applied by CRG shall be quoted in writing and invoiced accordingly. User shall pay each invoice in accordance with the payment terms. In case that payment of an invoice has not been executed during the 30 consecutive days after the due date, CRG will be entitled to request the due amount and the applicable late payment interest, without prejudice to stop the provision of services or terminate the Contract.

CONFIDENTIALITY: CRG commits to maintain confidentiality about samples/data, results and information obtained at performing Request. CRG may use data and information obtained during the execution of Contract to study the statistics of services, provided that anonymity is guaranteed for such information. User authorizes CRG to cite its identifiable information in the CRG outreach activities.

INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY: All work performed by the CRG Core facilities should be acknowledged in scholarly publications, posters, and presentations by a direct statement in the acknowledgement section “The authors would like to thank [Name(s) of Consultant(s)] of the [Name(s) of the facility(s)] of the Center of Genome Regulation for assistance with [services performed].”. In addition and disregard of the payment, each personnel who has participated in the work sufficiently enough to take public responsibility for appropriate portions of the content should be recognized as co-author; [[https://www.etikkom.no/en/library/topics/authorship-and-co-authorship/authorship-and-co-authorship-in-medical-and-health-research/ co-authorship follows commonly-accepted scientific practice]] and should be discussed with the head of the facility in advance.

GOVERNING LAW AND JURISDICTION: This Agreement shall be governed by and construed under the laws of Spain. With express waiver to any other jurisdiction that may correspond to the parties, any dispute or controversy resulting from this Agreement shall be exclusively resolved by the courts of the city of Barcelona.


Bioinformatics Core Facility @ CRG — 2011-2024