Luca Cozzuto

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Luca Cozzuto

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Dr. Luca Cozzuto obtained the PhD in Molecular Medicine at the European School of Molecular Medicine in 2009 ([1]) after getting the Master degree in Pharmaceutical Biotechnologies at the University of Naples "Federico II" in 2004.

During his PhD he studied the structure of chemically modified DNA quadruplex by using NMR along with molecular dynamics approaches. He was also involved in detection and characterization of bacterial RNA repeats with a common secondary structure. Here he learnt programming, database and website developing and a number of bioinformatics tools for detecting non-coding RNAs, sequence clustering and sequence comparison. He was also involved in assembling and annotations of two bacterial genomes, analysis of ChIP-seq data and bioinformatic support to biological research.

My work at the Bioinformatics Unit:

  • Assembly and annotation of genomics and transcriptomics data
  • ChIP-seq, RNA-seq, metagenomics, small ncRNAseq and CLIP-seq data analysis
  • Downstream analysis (GO enrichment, pathways analysis etc)
  • Installation of genome browsers
  • Training of biologists and bioinformaticians
Bioinformatics Core Facility @ CRG — 2011-2024